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Sandsack Sac à sable

Scetch of a Sandbag for use in gasballooning. The yellow body is connected with string with the hook. The string is going to the eyes in the top of the sandbag. There is a handle on the bottom of the sandbag to keep it.

The ballast for gas balloons is stored in sandbags. To give out ballast, sandbags are not dropped, on empty them. Theres is a handle on the bottom of the bag, to keep it. There are eyes on the top of the sandbag for the string connecting the bag with a hook.

The picture shows the emptying of a sandbag. The sand is falling toward the earth.

The picture above shows the emptying of a sandbag. The sand is falling towards the earth.

sierra/sandbag.1579336226.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/18 08:30 by Volker Löschhorn